A simultaneous determination of uric acid, creatinine and pseudouridine in human urine by high performance capillary zone electrophoresis(HPCZE)is described.
A method for the determination of ephedrine in collunarium by high performance capillary electrophoresis with square wave amperometric detection(SWAD)was developed.
A reversed phase high performance liquid chromatographic(RP-HPLC) method for the determination of zearalenone and its metabolites in foodstuff was developed.
The isomers dostribution of ortho-and para-toluenesulfonamide are successfully determined by high performance liquidchromatography (HPLC) . The results are compared with ultraviolet-spectroscopy (UV).
The prepositioned VOD video servers play an critical role, otherwise it is impossible to provide personalized video services with high cost performance.
Moreover, the analysis of the high performance reducing agent series skeletons of condensational sulfoacid series high performance reducing series is obtained in the paper.
According to the literature, sarcina is oneof the methanogen that can produce methane in high performance.The remaining of sarcina willapparently improve methane production.
A method for the simultaneous determination of captan and folpet pesticide residues in apples was developed by solid-phase extraction and high performance liquid chromatography.
A better method was presented by adopting an external standard method of high performance liquid chromatography for the determination of Anilazine pesticides residue in foods.
The experiments suggest that the superfluorescence of fluoride glass fibr is a kind of low coherence and high performances light source with bright application prospect.
Furthermore, as the total step height is the same, the combustor configuration with one backwind step has higher performance than the combustor configuration with two backwind step.